Friday, October 5, 2018


How to Stay Hydrated When You Travel 


This seems so obvious, but in the state I’m in, I need to state the obvious. I need to drink more water. But, like I said above, plain water doesn’t cut it for me all the time. It gets boring. It has no flavor. Aha!, I tell myself. I can add flavor. How so? Infuse. One of the easiest ways to do this is with a simple slice of lemon. A slice of lemon gives the water just enough flavor for me, and it’s so much easier to drink!
But, what if I don’t have fresh lemon on hand when we’re criss-crossing the country?


BODYARMOR Sports Drink, that is. We’re talking a premium sports drink that provides superior hydration, using natural flavors and sweeteners, potassium-packed electrolytes, coconut water, vitamins, and no colors from artificial sources.
Bodyarmor Sports Drink and Cooler
Two major things that I need to consider when choosing a sports drink to road trip with are sugar and sodium. BODYARMOR contains less sodium and less sugar than both Gatorade and Powerade, which is a major plus. BODYARMOR LYTE has even less sugar!!!!!
Another plus? The Orange Mango tastes like POG (which makes me think about Hawaii!), and BODYARMOR has more than a dozen flavors to choose from.
Bodyarmor Sports Drink Orange Mango
So, in the quest for how to stay hydrated when you travel, BODYARMOR is a great option! It’s also readily available around the country, so pack the car for a road trip and head out!
Bodyarmor Sports Drink for Road Trip
BODYARMOR Sports Drink is now available at ​Walmart and ​Sam’s Club​ stores. Click ​HERE​ to save on your next purchase at Walmart or check out your local Sam’s Club before 9/16 to save $4 on the 20ct Variety Pack!


For me, part of staying hydrated is also staying cool. I have major sun sensitivity, which also makes me sensitive to extreme heat. Chill-Its products are a life-saver, literally. They have a cooling technology that provides cooling through evaporation. Just soak the

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